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Гинтама [ТВ-1] / Gintama TV [2006]

Гинтама [ТВ-1] [2006]
Silver Soul
Gintama TV
The Best of Gintama-san
Yorinuki Gintama-san
Производство: Япония
Жанр: приключениякомедияфантастика
Тип: ТВ (201 эп.), 25 мин.
Выпуск: c 04.04.2006 по 25.03.2010
Трансляция в 19:00 [вечерний сеанс] на TV Tokyo
Режиссёр: Такамацу Синдзи
Снято по манге: Gintama
Автор оригинала: Сорати Хидэаки
Абсурдистская фантастическо-самурайская пародийная комедия о приключениях фрилансеров в псевдо средневековом Эдо. Захватив Землю, пришельцы Аманто запретили ношение мечей, единственный, в ком ещё жив подлинно японский дух – самоуверенный сластёна Гинтоки Саката. Неуклюжий очкарик Симпати нанялся к нему в ученики. Третьим в их команде стала прелестная Кагура из сильнейшей во вселенной семьи Ятудзоку, а с ней её питомец Садахару – пёсик размером с бегемота, обладающий забавной привычкой грызть головы всем, кто под морду подвернётся. Они называют себя «мастерами на все руки» и выполняют любые заказы – главное, чтобы заплатили.
001. When seal is stamped contents are confirmed & 002. What is extraterritoriality law?003. Natural perms are detestable things004. This magazine appears on Saturday depending on the mood005. Becoming an old man making friends and calling them by nicknames006. A promise to die and protect007. A pet is the responsibility of the owner to look after until the end008. Not making a good first impression...009. There is a paper-thin difference between toughness and vengefulness010. It's a sour thing when you're tired011. Gooey messy sweet dumpling... What...? It's not a dumpling...? That bastard...! & 012. Making a bad first impression...013. If cosplaying cosplay to adorn the heart014. There's a weird rule guys have... That touching a frog means coming of age015. An owner and his pet are alike016. Life gets longer when Mr Otae becomes longer! Scary!!017. Father And Son Always Share Their Negative Qualities018. Ah! Home's where the heart is019. Why is the sea salty? Probably because you city folks use it as a toliet!!020. Beware of the conveyor belt!021. If you're a guy at least Kajiki! / If you keep the fan on while you're sleeping you'll get a stomachache so watch out!022. Marriage means one continues raising misunderstanding023. When being troubled burst out laughing024. Something is hiding by all means in this cute face025. The pot is the reduced drawing of life026. Don't be shy raise your hand and speak up027. There are some swords which cannot be cut028. Comparatively a bad thing that happens is that good things doensn't happen continuously029. You are flurried! Cool off! / Unless you properly see the television or the newspaper it's useless030. Even Idols Do Pretty Much The Same Things You Guys Do031. Even you do not easily forget how to be good032. Life flows like the conveyer033. It is impolite to mistake a person's name034. There is no need for a manual on love035. You should not judge a person by his appearance036. For a person who has an injury in the shank you can really talk037. Those fellows who complain that there is no Santa believe in his existence / A bell cannot make troubles disappear you must do it yourself038. Only kids get excited when it snows / it's very strange to rub against the ice wich is eaten in the winter039. Ramen shops which offer lots of menus are not usually popular040. The plan is to make children041. I do not know whether the movie is interesting just by the titles042. Earthworms swell when you urinate on them043. For the character I will draw and divide the distinction that is attached to the reader with just the silhoutte044. Please stop your complaints about the dinner menu because my mother is busy045. My pet dog's stroll is done at a moderate speed046. You become 20 years old after you play in a cabaret047. Cherry things become cherry trees?048. The two who look alike are quarreling / Why do you use that useless negativity?049. Life without gambles is like sushi without wasabi050. Undecided is undecided and it's not a decision051. Milk should be in the temperature like human skin052. Make an appointment first before meeting with someone053. Stress will causes baldness but when paying too much attention on prevent stress the stress will builds up again in the end there is nothing that we can do to it054. Mothers are the same no matter where they are055. Do not make that “kucha kucha” sound when eating056. Take note of the one-day director057. You must go back to the day of action when you are looking for lost items058. Korokke bread is always popular in shops059. Do not forget where you left your umbrella060. The sun will rise061. Insects at night gather in the light062. What you want is not what you get063. The preview of the next edition of Jump is unreliable064. Eating corn is unexpectedly very filling065. The boy learns the value of life through the beetle066. Substance over form067. This life that continues to run068. The cross-over world is full of idiots069. Please separate your garbage070. Cute things become disgusting when there are too many071. There is data that cannot be deletable072. Let's drive there / Doggy meatballs have a fragrant smell073. The mushrooms are delicious074. The draft is ready075. Work should not be split at home076. Be quiet at this time077. Yesterday's enemy is also today's enemy078. A person who's picky with food is also picky with humans079. If there's four people it is a lot of knowledge080. A person that wears glasses suddenly takes the glasses off it feels like somethign is missing. Like the part of the person is missing081. A woman's best make up is the smile082. It's not like I line up for Ramen. I line up for satisfy myself083. Luck and identity have no relationship084. A Man's heart is like a hard-boiled egg085. Hard boiled egg won't get crashed086. There are many instances where you cannot get to sleep even after counting sheep087. Use German surplexes on women who like to ask which is important me or work088. The start is always the happiest in joint parties089. When there's two there will be three090. It's scary to eat the wrong food when it's so delicious091. If you want to slim down go and exercise do not eat092. Become a person who is able to find a person's merits rather than his weak points093. Even heroes have their own problems094. When you are sitting on the train both hands must be strapped095. Men are Madao096. If you are a man do not give up097. Herioc stories of the past are exaggerated by three folds / Boys are weak towards girls from a flower shop or a cake shop098. Game is an hour per day099. Life as well as games are only bugs100. Those who are disliked are always adorable101. Law exists to be violated102. Otakus are talkative103. The differnce between stengths and weaknesses is only a thin line104. Important things are hard to see105. Anything depends on the beat and the timing106. Most people I love sudden death107. Parents not knowing the child108. Better leave it unsaid109. Life is a test110. Everyone is an escapee of a prison called 'myself'111. Definitely Do Not Let Your Girlfriend See the Things You Use for Crossdressing / There's Almost a 100% Chance of Forgetting One's Vinyl Umbrella and Then Hating Oneself112. A birthday in your twenties has no deep meaning / You're lucky if you can stay up late to work113. The Act of Polishing a Urinal is Like the Act of Polishing One's Heart / Subtitle Undecided114. When sweet and spicy things are switched... / They say that adding soy sauce to pudding gives the taste of sea urchin but really adding soy sauce to pudding only gives the taste of soy sauce and pudding115. The time just before the summer holidays start is the most fun116. The Older The Wiser117. Beauty is like a summer fruit118. Be as straightforward as your back is bent119. Those who smoke one or two cigarettes are putting the smell of horse dung in them120. The taste of overseas Japanese restaurants is generally at the same level as a school cafeteria / Once you've chosen a dish you can't give it back121. Only a slotted and a crosshead screwdriver is needed for an amateur122. Imagination should be developed in grade123. There is a screwdriver in the every one's hearts124. Too much badgering can become a threatening one125. Into the Final Chapter!126. There are things that cannot be expressed in words127. There are things you can't understand unless you meet them128. There are things you can't understand even when you meet them129. Watch out for your pet eating off the floor130. Cat-lovers and dog-lovers never keep peace131. Quarrels usually happen at the trip destination132. Tight underpants will unavoidably get soiled133. Gin and His Excellency's Good For Nothing134. Be Very Careful When Using Ghost Stories135. Before Thinking About the Earth Think About the More Endangered Gintaman's Future!137. 99% Of Men Are Not Confident In Confessing Their Love138. Why Not Talk About the Old Days for a Change?139. Don't Put Your Wallet In Your Back Pocket140. Beware of Those Who Use an Umbrella on a Sunny Day141. Butting Into a Fight is Dangerous142. Life is a Series of Choices143. Those Who Stand On Four Legs Are Beasts. Those Who Stand on Two Legs Guts and Glory Are Men144. Don't Trust Bedtime Stories145. The Color for Each Person's Bond Comes in Various Colors146. The taste of drinking under broad daylight is something special147. Every adult is every children's instructor148. Zippers should be undone slowly149. When your half eaten popsicle starts sliding down the stick that's when jerks come around hoping for a share150. Become bound by long things151. A conversation with a barber during a haircut is the most pointless thing in the world152. The heavens created Chomage above man instead of another man153. Sleep Helps a Child Grow154. That person looks different from usual during a birthday party155. The other side of the other side of the other side would be the other side156. It takes a bit of courage to enter a street vendor's stand157. Any place with a bunch of men gathered around will turn into a battlefield158. If a friend gets injured take him to the hospital159. If one orange in the box is rotten the rest of them will become rotten before you know it!160. From a foreigner's perspective you're the foreigner161. Laputa's still good after seeing it so many times162. Love Asks For Nothing In Return163. The black ships even make a scene when they sink!164. That matsutake soup stuff tastes better than the real deal plus one / Man cannot come back to life once dead165. If It Works Once It'll Work Over And Over Again166. Two Is Better Than One. Two People Are Better Than One167. Smooth Polygons Smooth Men's Hearts Too168. A Human Body Is Like a Little Universe169. The Chosen Idiots170. And into the Legend...171. If You Keep Copying They Will Retaliate / A Loss Opens Your Eyes to the Love You Have172. It All Depends on How You Use the "Carrot and Stick" Method173. It's What's On the Inside that Counts / It's What's On the Inside that Counts But Only to a Certain Extent174. When a Person Is Trapped Their Inner Door Opens175. People of All Ages Hate The Dentist176. Beginning the Countdown177. A Spider at Night is a Bad Omen178. Once a Spider's Thred Has Entangled Something it's Hard to Get it Off Again179. It's the Irresponsible One Who's Scary When Pissed180. The More Precious the Burden the Heavier and More Difficult it is to Shoulder It181. Watch Out For A Set of Women and A Drink182. Screw Popularity Polls183. Popularity Polls Can Burn in Hell184. Popularity Polls Can...185. Hometowns and Boobs are Best Thought From Afar / The Whole Peeing on a Bee Sting Is a Myth. You'll Get Germs So Don't Do It!!186. Beware of Foreshadows187. It's Goodbye Once a Flag is Set188. An Observation Journal Should Be Seen Right Through To The Very End189. Mobile Suit Gundam 30th Anniversary Special Extra #2 / Radio Exercises are Socials for Boys and Girls190. When Looking For Something Try Using its Perspective
191. Freedom Means to Live True to Yourself not Without Law!192. Kabukicho Stray Cat Blues193. Cooking is About Guts194. Whenever I hear Leviathan I think of Sazae-san. Stupid me!!195. Not Losing to the Rain!196. Not Losing to the Wind197. Not Losing to the Storm198. Never Losing that Smile199. That's How I Wish to Be Beautiful and Strong200. Santa Claus Red is Blood Red!201. Everybody's a Santa!
Серия состоит из:
#1 Гинтама (спэшл #1) - к/ф, адаптация манги, 2005
#2 Гинтама [ТВ-1] - ТВ (201 эп.), адаптация манги, 2006
#3 Гинтама (спэшл #2) - к/ф, spinoff (ответвление сюжета), 2009
#4 Гинтама (фильм первый) - п/ф, spinoff (ответвление сюжета), 2010
#5 Гинтама [ТВ-2] - ТВ (51 эп.), продолжение, 2011
#6 Гинтама (компиляция) - п/ф (2 эп.), киноверсия двух арок ТВ-сериала, 2012
#7 Гинтама [ТВ-3] - ТВ (13 эп.), продолжение, 2012
#8 Гинтама (фильм второй) - п/ф, spinoff (ответвление сюжета), 2013


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